khama rhino sanctuary

Education Center Activities

In accordance with one of our main objectives, we can offer educational tours of the Sanctuary to schools or any other group of interested people. To accompany this we have developed a range of educational materials in line with the schools curriculum. Wildlife Clubs and other volunteers can take part in conservation workcamps. Buses are not allowed around the Sanctuary, but we can organize a game drive in our own vehicles.

The KRS EEC is uniquely sited within the Khama Rhino Sanctuary. There is a large multi-purpose hall. There are two 24-bed student dormitories and there is accommodation for up to eight teachers or supervisors (2 per room - ensuite facilities). There is also a self-catered camping area with running water and a small ablution block.


Habitat Mathata

The purpose of this activity is to give participants an opportunity to understand the importance of suitable habitat. It illustrates factors that may affect wildlife in constantly changing ecosystems. It also demonstrates some basic concepts, such as how everything in the natural system is inter-related. Additionally, it shows that populations of organisms are continuously affected by elements of their environment.

Ants on a Twig

This exercise demonstrates that humans, domestic animals and wildlife have similar basic needs. They all depend on the appropriate distribution of food water, shelter and space. It therefore should be born in mind that all living things share the same environment and basic needs and should live harmoniously with each other.

Dung Beetle Derby

This activity demonstrates the role dung beetles play in the enrichment of the soil. Additionally they clean the environment and play a big role in recycling nutrients, which, they do under very difficult circumstances. So it teaches that organisms exist together in a natural balanced environment.